Out of the box i receive gestures for scrolling and right-clicking I'm very interested in three finger gestures (like slide three fingers up to see all open windows), but it seems there is no way to get those working.

I have tried with the Extended Gestures GNOME-shell extension and touchegg, neither of which are working.

What would be a good way to get these?

Best Answer


I am using XPS 15 with Ubuntu 18.04 (X.org). I managed to get multi-gestures working for me Kohei yamada has developed an application called fusuma to enable multitouch gestures on linux You need to install ruby on your computer if it is not already installed

Follow the instructions from fusuma GitHub's Readme page or you could follow these steps which worked for me.

To start with make sure that your current user belongs to the input group You can do that by

groups $USER | grep -w input # To check
sudo gpasswd -a $USER input  # To add

You'll log out and then login back Now install xdotool and libinput-tools.

sudo apt install libinput-tools
sudo apt install xdotool

If you haven't installed ruby you can do this now

sudo apt install ruby

Now install fusuma

sudo gem install fusuma

Deciding your gestures

This is basically creating a .yml file with the desired configuration. If you want to do standard gestures you can follow these instructions or feel free to tweak to get desired gestures

Go to your setup folder in the home directory

cd ~/.config

Now create a folder named fusuma

mkdir fusuma
cd fusuma

In there create a file called config.yml

touch config.yml

Now you can use your favourite text editor to enter the contents of this file

nano config.yml

Copy and paste the following instructions if you are using GNOME, which is the default environment in 18.04.

      command: 'xdotool key alt+Right'
      command: 'xdotool key alt+Left'
      command: 'xdotool key super'
      command: 'xdotool key super'
      command: 'xdotool key ctrl+alt+Down'
      command: 'xdotool key ctrl+alt+Up'
      command: 'xdotool key ctrl+alt+Down'
      command: 'xdotool key ctrl+alt+Up'
    command: 'xdotool key ctrl+plus'
     command: 'xdotool key ctrl+minus'

  swipe: 0.4
  pinch: 0.4

  swipe: 0.8
  pinch: 0.1

Please note that the gestures commissioned by this configuration are the following

Mult-touch GestureAction
3 Fingers - Left → Go Next on Browser
3 Fingers - Right → Go Back on Browser
3 Fingers - Up → Show all Windows
3 Fingers - Down → Close Exposé (Esc
4 Fingers - Left → Next Deskto
4 Fingers - Right → Previous Desktop
4 Fingers - Up → Next Desktop
4 Fingers - Down → Previous Deskto

After this you can run the command in terminal to test if it has installed

sudo fusuma

nothing will happen in the terminal. Start using multi-touch gestures - swipe away on your touchpad

Now all you have to do is add fusuma and the command for it to your start-up applications