How do you clean up a varcache?
When I woke up this morning, I found my root had filled overnight
du -hx --max-depth=1 /
132M /boot
4.0K /media
16K /lost+found
16M /root
702M /lib
8.2G /usr
73M /etc
4.0K /srv
11M /sbin
4.0K /selinux
8.0K /.config
4.0K /cdrom
4.6G /var
181M /opt
4.0K /mnt
9.3M /bin
4.0K /lib64
14G /
The space is used by /var/cache/polipo (2.7G). How can I clean this up safely?
I tried restarts=>didn't work
Used bleachbit=>the space is not detected in the cleanup preview
PS: I did rm -rf youtube inside /var/cache/polipo and it freed up 2G space. Dunno if it was safe though
Best Answer
Method 1:
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove
Method 2.
Launch your bleachbit as root user : no space in disk; sudo apt-get clean not working